• UW Medicine
  • School of Medicine
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UW Medicine

UW Medicine Policies and Notices

Find a list of UW Medicine Policies and Notices under this directory.

UWP Board Policies

Access policies for the UW Physicians Board here.

Policy on Professional Conduct

The UW Medicine Policy on Professional Conduct is a guiding document to elevate our core professional values and to clarify standards of professional behavior for all members of our community in patient care, research, and education settings.

Concerns About Professionalism

Access the UW Medical Center Medical Director’s Office here.
Find the UW Medical Center Professionalism Resolution Process for Medical Staff here

Access the Harborview Medical Director’s Office here.
Find the Harborview Medical Staff / Faculty Professionalism Resolution Process here.

For issues regarding discrimination or retaliation, the Civil Rights Investigation Office investigates complaints that a University employee has violated the University’s non-discrimination and/ or non-retaliation policies. An investigation may be requested either by an individual or by the administrative head of a University organization.

You may also reach out to Giana Davidson, the Assistant Dean for Professional Development, at ghd@uw.edu.

UW Medicine Service Culture Guidelines

The UW Medicine Service Culture Guidelines demonstrate our committment to placing the needs of patients and families first. This supports the UW Medicine mission to improve the health of the public.

UW Medicine Compliance

UW Medicine Compliance programs include clinical billing, EMTALA, Ethics, HIPAA, Research compliance, and Safety and Security.

Social Networking Policy and Guidelines

Find the University of Washington Social Networking Policy and Guidelines here.

School of Medicine

SOM Policy for Faculty on Potential Financial Conflicts of Interest

The UW School of Medicine (SoM) requires that its faculty avoid, or disclose and address, perceived or real conflicts of interest between their responsibilities as faculty of the SoM and their activities with outside commercial or non-profit entities. This policy will guide SoM faculty in their interactions with these entities so that they may continue to contribute to the mission of UW Medicine in a manner that ensures that the School and the faculty avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest.

School of Medicine Policy on Conflicts of Interest involving Family and Household Members

The Washington Ethics in Public Service Act and UW Conflict of Interest Policies impose obligations on University employees that affect hiring and supervision of family and household members. The Ethics in Public Service Act sets forth the basic principle that no employee shall have an interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, that is in conflict with the proper discharge of his or her official duties. The UW rules prohibit University employees from having interests in conflict with their University positions, and from using their University position for special privileges or exemptions for the employee or the employee’s family or household. Learn more here.

University of Washington

UW Policy Directory and Faculty Code

The UW Policy Directory Faculty Code and Governance houses information on the faculty code, bylaws, councils and committees, and policies related to terms and conditions of employment. A few specific policies from this resource are listed below.

13-20 General Policy

24-33 Academic Freedom and Responsibility

25-71 Standard of Conduct

UW Workplace Violence Policy Website

The University of Washington is committed to providing a safe workplace. Learn about the Workplace Violence Policy here.

Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action (EO 31)

The University of Washington, as an institution established and maintained by the people of the state, is committed to providing equality of opportunity and an environment that fosters respect for all members of the University community. This policy has the goal of promoting an environment that is free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.

Sexual Violence Elimination Policy (EO 51)

The University of Washington is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe working and learning environment that is free from violence. Read the Sexual Violence Elimination Policy here.

Research Misconduct (EO 61)

The Research Misconduct Policy provides a general outline of the methods by which the University addresses research misconduct allegations.

Employee Responsibilities and Employee Conflict of Interest (EO 32)

The University of Washington has comprehensive policies concerning the broad spectrum of ethics issues that emerge in the complex and varied environment of University life. These policies reflect the underlying rationale, University expectations, and designated procedures for appropriate disclosure and review of conflicts of commitment and conflicts of interest, including financial interests that might bias or otherwise threaten the integrity of the results of sponsored projects.

Outside Professional Work Policy (EO 57)

This policy details outside professional work rules at the University of Washington.

Subject to certain limited exceptions, faculty who desire to engage in outside professional activities are required to obtain prior approval from the University using the Request for Approval of Outside Professional Work for Compensation (Form 1460).  In the SoM, faculty submit Form 1460s through an online portal.

Suspended Operations

If you are fulfilling a supervisory role, you should familiarize yourself with the University’s general guidelines that have been established for inclement weather and suspended operations.



Policy on Professional Conduct

The UW Medicine Policy on Professional Conduct is a guiding document to elevate our core professional values and to clarify standards of professional behavior for all members of our community in patient care, research, and education settings.

UW Medicine Compliance

UW Medicine Compliance programs include clinical billing, EMTALA, Ethics, HIPAA, Research compliance, and Safety and Security.

UW Workplace Violence Policy Website

The University of Washington is committed to providing a safe workplace. Learn about the Workplace Violence Policy here.

SOM Policy for Faculty on Potential Financial Conflicts of Interest

The UW School of Medicine (SoM) requires that its faculty avoid, or disclose and address, perceived or real conflicts of interest between their responsibilities as faculty of the SoM and their activities with outside commercial or non-profit entities. This policy will guide SoM faculty in their interactions with these entities so that they may continue to contribute to the mission of UW Medicine in a manner that ensures that the School and the faculty avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest.

School of Medicine Policy on Conflicts of Interest involving Family and Household Members

The Washington Ethics in Public Service Act and UW Conflict of Interest Policies impose obligations on University employees that affect hiring and supervision of family and household members. The Ethics in Public Service Act sets forth the basic principle that no employee shall have an interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, that is in conflict with the proper discharge of his or her official duties. The UW rules prohibit University employees from having interests in conflict with their University positions, and from using their University position for special privileges or exemptions for the employee or the employee’s family or household. Learn more here.

Social Networking Policy and Guidelines

Find the University of Washington Social Networking Policy and Guidelines here.

Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action (EO 31)

The University of Washington, as an institution established and maintained by the people of the state, is committed to providing equality of opportunity and an environment that fosters respect for all members of the University community. This policy has the goal of promoting an environment that is free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.

Sexual Violence Elimination Policy (EO 51)

The University of Washington is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe working and learning environment that is free from violence. Read the Sexual Violence Elimination Policy here.

Research Misconduct (EO 61)

The Research Misconduct Policy provides a general outline of the methods by which the University addresses research misconduct allegations.

Employee Responsibilities and Employee Conflict of Interest (EO 32)

The University of Washington has comprehensive policies concerning the broad spectrum of ethics issues that emerge in the complex and varied environment of University life. These policies reflect the underlying rationale, University expectations, and designated procedures for appropriate disclosure and review of conflicts of commitment and conflicts of interest, including financial interests that might bias or otherwise threaten the integrity of the results of sponsored projects.

Outside Professional Work Policy (EO 57)

This policy details outside professional work rules at the University of Washington.

Subject to certain limited exceptions, faculty who desire to engage in outside professional activities are required to obtain prior approval from the University using the Request for Approval of Outside Professional Work for Compensation (Form 1460).  In the SoM, faculty submit Form 1460s through an online portal.

Leave and Benefits

Leaves of Absence

The UW Human Resources Campus Leave Team is your support resource for medical, parental, military, and domestic violence leaves of absence.

Visit the Leaves page to navigate to faculty paid sick, medical, or gamily leave. You will also find information in this section on federal and state leave programs like FMLA and PFML.

Visit the Holidays and time off page to navigate to information for military and domestic violence leave.

Sabbatical leave and leave without pay will continue to be managed by the Office of Academic Personnel.


As a University of Washington employee, you receive excellent benefits including a variety of health plan options, generous retirement plans, life insurance, and long-term disability coverage.

University of Washington benefits website

Benefits summary for faculty with appointments of 9 – 12 months

UW Physicians benefits webpage and the UW Physicians Benefits Summary

Children’s University Medical Group (CUMG) webpage and CUMG Benefits Summary

School of Medicine faculty retirement benefits slides

UW Physicians / CUMG retirement benefits slides

UW Physicians Benefits

For information about University of Washington Physicians (UWP) benefits, please click here.

CUMG (Children’s University Medical Group) Benefits

Information on CUMG benefits can be found here.

Please contact the CUMG administrative services office for all questions related to benefits:

Phone: 206-987-8450
Fax: 206-987-8484
Email: CUMG@seattlechildrens.org

UWP and CUMG Retirement Benefits

For information on retiring from UWP (UW Physicians) and/or CUMG (Children’s University Medical Group), review these 2024 slides.

Faculty Salary Policy

The fundamental purpose of the University of Washington Faculty Salary Policy is to allow the University to recruit and retain the best faculty.

APS with Mention of Service Period for Pay

An explanation of salary payments and employment periods for academic personnel can be found here.

Do you have a question about one of the other UW Medicine entities? Learn more about the entire UW Medicine family here.

For policies at the Puget Sound VA and Seattle Children’s, please click the respective links.