Your goal is to circulate the job ad as widely as possible. To this end, using a variety of avenues of communication is vital. In addition to posting on professional job boards and in scholarly publications, consider posting on a wide range of listservs, websites and social media accounts of relevant professional groups or organizations.

Search is a verb! Activate your professional networks.

Members of the search committee, along with other faculty members of the unit, should personally contact colleagues at UW and other institutions to seek nominations of potential applicants.

Ask all members of the unit (e.g., department faculty) to contact their colleagues at other institutions to inquire about promising graduate students, post-docs, or early career faculty, particularly from underrepresented backgrounds.

Send announcements and request nominations from departments at institutions that serve large numbers of underrepresented populations. Your campus allies will be able to help you locate such institutions.

Send announcements to diversity-related sections of regional, national, or international organizations within the discipline.

Ask current faculty, graduate students, post-docs, and alumni to help market open positions by taking copies of job ads to academic conferences and meetings they attend, as well as to the other institutions they visit to give lectures or seminars.

Have unit leadership personally contact qualified potential applicants. These communications can include the offer to have the search committee chair speak with potential applicants on the phone or over Zoom.