A job ad is more than a check box in a long list of tasks for a faculty search. It is an opportunity to tell potential applicants who we are, what we do, and signal our enthusiasm for welcoming highly qualified and collaborative colleagues who will advance our mission, vision and values.
A strong job ad typically includes:
Expansive thinking and language that will attract a broad pool of applicants.
Is it clear that applicants with a range of relevant expertise and interests in your field are encouraged to apply?
How have you highlighted our mission and values?
Here are examples of job ads that include our commitment to diversity and inclusion in the position description.
A clear and well-informed description of the position, including potential funding, research, educational, and career advancement opportunities, as well as possible collaborators across UW.
As above (“Preparation”), the search committee should understand the context and needs for the faculty position after hearing directly from the existing members of the department, division, section, etc.