All events will be by Zoom unless otherwise indicated. 

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EHR Inbox Management

UWMC Montlake SA3505 UWMC Montlake SA3505

Learn tips and tricks to manage your EPIC inbox in this in-person workshop in the UWMC Montlake SA3505 Computer Lab. Room capacity is limited to 16 attendees so register early! We hope to offer this event again in the future if there is high interest. Register

Preparing for Your Promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor


This workshop offers an overview of promotions and the promotion process for faculty in the School of Medicine, as well as tips from recently promoted faculty. It is relevant for physician scientists, clinician teachers and basic scientists. This program does not cover the promotion process for clinical faculty with annual appointments as this is department

GME Program Director Development Series – Spring Option 2


PDDS is our core curriculum for program directors and faculty in support of continuous learning, development and educational innovation within UW GME.  The curriculum is designed to meet ACGME annual faculty development and Common Program Requirements (CPRs). Program directors, associate program directors, key faculty and program administrators (as space allows) are invited to join us at PDDS events.*  The objectives of

Leadership Series: How to Be an Effective Mentor/Sponsor


In this workshop, practice tips and tools will be discussed to support effective mentorship and sponsorship for both the mentor and mentee. This event will be led by Dr. Nisha Bansal, MD, MAS, Professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology. Register

Women Faculty Day 2024

Center for Urban Horticulture 3501 NE 41st Street, Seattle, WA, United States

Women Faculty Day 2024 will be held in person at the UW Center for Urban Horticulture. Topic and Agenda Pending Register

CRISP: Clinical Research Intensive Summer Program (ITHS)

Fred Hutch Cancer Center

CRISP is an intensive summer course designed to provide physician clinical investigators with hands-on experience in key clinical research skills. Find out more and join here.

Research Fellows Orientation Course

Brotman Auditorium, South Lake Union 850 Republican Street, Seattle, WA, United States

This UW Department of Medicine workshop is held each summer and covers skills necessary for academic success, such as grant writing, scientific writing, oral presentation, and job negotiations. The course is designed for research fellows but is also open to junior faculty from all departments. Based on enthusiastic feedback from recent years, we anticipate lively

Mindful Self-Compassion Series: What is Self-Compassion – Definition and Science of Self-Compassion


Register Overview This is a mindful self-compassion series offering skills and clarity for learners to enhance their communication and increase joy and meaning in their work and lives. The University of Washington School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The University of

Mindful Self-Compassion Series: Practicing Self-Compassion with Mindfulness


Register Overview This is a mindful self-compassion series offering skills and clarity for learners to enhance their communication and increase joy and meaning in their work and lives. The University of Washington School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The University of