Who should be on a search committee?

The members of a faculty search committee should broadly represent the key collaborators for the person who is hired, and they should have roles and expertise that will enable different perspectives to be shared throughout the search process.

Consider inviting at least one person from a different division, section or department to serve on the committee, as well as a student or trainee representative.

HOW a search committee is formed signals the values of the hiring unit and how it distributes power. Please see here for different models for forming a search committee.

In alignment with the mission and values of UW and UW SoM, it is everyone’s responsibility to learn and implement best practices in recruitment to advance a diverse and inclusive faculty. Learn about our obligations under university, state, and federal laws here.

Individuals from underrepresented backgrounds in medicine and science commonly receive a high number of requests to serve on committees. Please be mindful that the responsibilities of shared governance, which include serving on search committees, should be distributed equitably amongst faculty.